Do you ask for 'thesis audi'? Here you can find the questions and answers on the subject.
Table of contents
- Thesis audi in 2021
- Audi r&d
- Audi jobs
- Audi university
- Audi software engineer
- Bmw thesis
- Audi internship salary
- Audi graduate program
Thesis audi in 2021

Audi r&d

Audi jobs

Audi university

Audi software engineer

Bmw thesis

Audi internship salary

Audi graduate program

What do you need to know about Audi dual Masters?
Free space for your ideas: Audi offers students an extensive set of opportunities to combine their theoretical knowledge with a practical experience while still pursuing their studies. Whether through an internship, in the context of a thesis or within the scope of Audi dual master´s degree.
How does the PhD program at Audi work?
The Audi PhD Program offers you the chance of individual support and further education during your work while providing you with the opportunity to build up an exciting network. During an intermediate feedback meeting, the first year of the PhD program will be discussed with you and both with the supervisor of the department and of the PhD program.
Who is Cornelius the PhD student at Audi?
As a doctoral student at Audi, Cornelius is working on the future – his own future and Audi's. The 28-year-old is currently writing his dissertation in cooperation with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg at Professor März's Chair of Power Electronics.
What kind of degree do you get at Audi?
Audi dual targets computer science bachelor graduates. The program combines studies at the Ingolstadt Technical University or at the Technical University of Munich with practical assignments at Audi. Vorsprung through courage, curiosity, enthusiasm - PhD students at Audi.
Last Update: Oct 2021